Changes the textstyle to underlined. Note that some people may think the text is a link if it's underlined. NS3 IE
Changes the textstyle to a monotype font, usually Courier.
Strikethrough style, which is text with a horizontal line through it. The abbreviational form does not work in older browsers like Netscape Navigator 2.0. (NS3 IE)
Stands for 'superscript'.
Stands for 'subscript'.
Logical Styles
Emphasized text. Usually shows up in italics. This tag was a part of the first HTML-definition and, differently from the I-tag, it will have effect even in very old browsers.
Indicates a citation, usually rendered in italics.
An example of machinecode. Usually shows up in a typewriter font like courier.
Stands for 'user keyboard entry', which is text that could have been typed by the user, like an instructional example. Usually shows up in a typewriter font, like courier, and sometimes in bold.
Stands for 'computer status message'. Usually hows up in a typewriter font, like Courier.
Strongly emphasized text. Usually shows up in bold. This tag was a part of the first HTML-definition and, differently from the B-tag, it will have effect even in very old browsers.
Stands for 'variable'. Usually rendered in italics.
Stands for 'example', usually displayed in a typewrier font. Text within this tag will not be HTML-formatted, so you may put HTML-tags here that will be displayed in the browser as text.
Text appears in italics. Use it in the end of the document to display the authors email address, for example. Some search engines may take notice on the text as information on the author.
Use it to separate a text from the rest of the page by displaying it as an indented block of text.
Temporarily turn off the HTML and displays the source, including linebreaks and multiple spaces. It seems like a simle way to put PLAINTEXT before and after a plain textfile and put it on the web, but it's not recommended.
<PRE [WIDTH="n "]>...</PRE>
Make the browser to display the text as it appears in the HTML code, including linebreaks and multiple spaces. WIDTH is the maximum length of a line in characters before it wraps. Links will work within PRE-formatted text.
<SPAN STYLE="cssAtributes ">...</SPAN>
Defines style sheet formattings to the text, please see the Style Sheets-chapter.
Used to make blinking text. Some people like it, some people does not. NS
Stands for 'definition'. Usually shows up in italics or bold italics.
Works like the TT-tag.
<!-- ... -->
Anything between <! and > are ignored by the browser. This is a useful tag to temporarily or definitily hide a text in the browser. As described in the Introduction to HTML-appendix, no browser will display what's inside this code. Many people uses comments as reminders for themselves or co-authors of the page, and they are also used to hide JavaScript and Stylesheet codes from older browsers. Don't use ">"-letters within the comments though.
SIZE is a number between 1 (smallest text) and 7 (largest). You can also increase and reduce the size, for example +3. COLOR is the color of the text. FACE is a comma-separated list of fontnames. You may also change the default textsize with the BASEFONT-tag, and change the default textcolor with the BODY-tag.
<Hn [ALIGN="left|center|right"]>...</Hn>
Stands for "header". n is a number between 1 (largest) and 6 (smallest). Headers are automatically surrounded by blank lines. ALIGN is the alignment of the header, by default the same as the surrounding text.
Makes the text big.
Makes the text small.
Scrolling Text
An auto-scrolling text. The following parameters can be used: IE
[WIDTH="n |n %" HEIGHT="n |n %"]
Sets the width and height of the marquee.
[VSPACE="n " HSPACE="n "]
Defines the space between the vertical and horizontal ends of the marquee.
Sets the align of the marquee.
Defines the method for the marquee to be used. SCROLL scrolls the text from one side to the other and is the default value. SLIDE does the same, but stops when the text has reached the other side, and is still displayed. ALTERNATE bounces the text bteween the sides.
Defines the side to start from.
[BGCOLOR="color "]
Defines the background color for the marquee.
[LOOP="n |infinite"]
Defines the number of loops for the text. INFINITE lopps until the page is closed.
Sets the number of pixels between succeeded drawn text scrolls.
Sets the number of miliseconds between succeeded drawn scrolls.